A Cloudy Day

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Tough day today. Started awful; threw up for the first time, while on the way in to Dana. Then had to wait hours for a covering doc to be ready. Chemo was quick, which was nice, but followed by terrible sore throat and a fever.

Hoping the sun will shine tomorrow. They say I'll start feeling less nausea during these next few days. VERY excited for that. Blood tests came back good today too – white blood count was good. It'll start dropping though and i'll have to be more careful not to catch anything in the coming days.

Looking forward to tomorrow 🙂
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry



Author: John Abdulla

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  1. Wish so much that all the love you have from all of us could just take this suffering away! 🙁

    But, it is important that you share how it really is for you ~ I suspect that this blog will become a source of comfort for many others engaged in the same type of battle.

  2. I'm sorry you felt sick today and that the sun didnt really come out, BUT it might tomorrow for a little while! So that's always good news! A lot of good movies out on OnDemand too! Or you could watch Oprah… I won't tell anyone. Feel better soon, and Chris and I (and Sam… ughhh jk hur hur!) are hoping the nausea will go away soon too!

    p.s. Sam didn't call me fat today.
    p.p.s. I made fun of her today anyways. You would have laughed a little.

  3. Yeah, I know that was awful. I couldn't bare to see you throw up like that. Please promise me that you will follow up like the doctor advised and take the nausea meds a half hour before you take a ride. Because you shouldn't be throwing up as she said. I am glad now that the nausea is getting better though. Yay for never see Dr. Hayes soon! =)

    Much Love,

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