Liam’s 1st Day

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Liam James Spencer, possibly the most photographed 1-day-old there ever was and will be. My first nephew and greatest photo subject…he made my job easy!

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Author: John Abdulla

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  1. John,
    Thank you for posting the pics. Now I am spending my work day staring at that beautiful baby boy. So happy for Mary and Pat and the whole family. You are all so lucky to have such a precious baby in your lifes. All of us friends are so happy to see him. Meeting him yesterday was awesome. Love you Liam James 🙂

  2. Aww what a cute pie! You must have had a lot of fun taking pictures of him eh?! Congrats Uncle Johnny and of course to Mary, Pat and the Pongratz family! Best wishes! Liam is so beautiful!

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