Focusing on Photography

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Just over a week ago I added a new member to my family. A new baby. She sees the world in a beautiful light.

I bought a new camera!

There has been a movement in the film industry – especially among us independent filmmakers – towards using dSLR cameras for capturing video. Finally, digital SLR cameras are able to not only capture beautiful stills, but also high-definition 24 frame motion. It’s a pretty awesome thing actually. With a dSLR camera you get the film look of motion picture cameras, but the benefits of digital (price included). The results are spectacular. I’m still learning the best workflow for this high definition footage. But in the mean time I thought I’d share some of the still photography I’ve captured with my new baby; the Canon 7D. I’ve been shooting away for these past few days – here are a few of my favs:

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No editing has been done to these photos. They’ve just been downloaded from the camera and resized. Needless to say, I’m pretty excited with the results so far. And it has been so much fun playing with this camera. I look at art as a means of focusing in on certain elements in our world, shining light on them, and sharing them with others. There is a great framing power in art and creativity. With photography in particular, one specific moment can be framed and frozen in time; existing as an expression of life.

And so there is much to capture and much to share. Looking forward to doing more of both.



Author: John Abdulla

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