I was hoping to update my blog frequently during this trip, but unfortunately it’s been rather difficult to do. Amazingly, I’ve had constant phone connection wherever I am in Rwanda. The same can’t be said for an internet connection, but the fact that I’m not updating frequently isn’t so related to technological impediments.
The real matter is that we have been so incredibly jam packed with events. Whether its hearing government officials discuss the progress Rwanda has made, doing hands-on work in a village, visiting museums, meeting in groups or just getting to know these incredible people I’m with over some beers; it has been very busy and digesting it all for blog updates has been rather difficult.
Right now I’m on a bus, on our way back to Kigali, where we are staying. People are sleeping all around me, as we navigate the countless hills under a cloudy night sky. These two days have been the most enlightening, profound and disturbing of the trip. Our first day consisted of helping flatten land for houses to be constructed, followed by a museum trip, and then a visit to the University. And today started with planting trees/helping build a school, and then a visit to the genocide memorial.
Each of these events merit more explanation, and I hope to do so in a few entries. My overall experience has been so completely emotionally exhausting, that its difficult to even discuss. Needless to say, there were many amazing experiences.
January 6, 2010
This is incredible! I’m so happy for you Johnny! I’d love to do something like this where I can give back to others and see myself making a difference. Again, I applaud your efforts and you should be very proud of yourself for getting chosen to do this.