A Rwandan Welcome

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Another jam packed day today!

This country and these people have been so incredibly welcoming to us. Last night we were invited to Kigali Serena hotel – a five star hotel here in Rwanda. It was a beautiful place where we were treated with a banquet of food and drink, as well as a performance by traditional Rwandese cultural dancers.

And today we were able to hear from various speakers about the Millennium Development Goals; a framework for tackling global poverty and other inequalities. I think the best part though, has been interacting with all of the other incredible participants. Being together, in solidarity, with impassioned individuals from Rwanda, India, Australia, Peru and many many more countries, is truly a gift.

I have so much more I want to share, but so little energy left after this packed day. Of course I filmed it all too so I was extra busy!



Author: John Abdulla

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  1. this is so amazing. i am so jealous! i feel like your living a dream of mine, i would love to do something like this!

    have an awesome time!

  2. Yay! I’m so excited to read about it all!

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