What Now?!
It’s the big question. What do I do now that I’ve had the gift of a full recovery? More importantly, what happens to this blog?!
After some thought, I’ve decided that as long as I have some readers out there, I should take the opportunity to share my thoughts, beliefs, rants, etc. Why not, right?! In all seriousness though, this blog has meant a lot to me and I look forward to continuing it. Now that I’m back to work and an active life, I’m certain the entries will be less frequent, but I will do my best to keep on letting you look through my lens.
Speaking of which, check out the pic above from last week’s amazing camping trip. For the past four years I’ve been going up to Vermont camping on the White River and it is such an incredible escape. This year, it had new meaning. It meant escaping computers, televisions, and (gulp) even blackberries. But it also meant escaping needles, pills, scans, nausea, sickness, hospitals, cancer. It was a place that I could truly enjoy the freedom that good health brings. A breath of fresh air.
Alas, I am back to the real world now and that feels good too! I’m back working at the real estate company that has employed me for over seven years, BOWES GMAC Real Estate, with great people. AND to my pleasant surprise I have started a new internship! The company produces films, multimedia and does communication consulting – with a specialty in international development and peacebuilding. Really incredible stuff. You can check it out here: //www.spectrummedia-boston.com/
At this internship I will be working on a proposal for a new film they will produce/direct.
So that’s the latest. It is taking some adjusting doing full work days again and I get tired towards the end of the day, but I think I’m holding up pretty well. Certainly can’t complain!
September 1, 2009
I'm soo happy that things are working out and you are back where you want to be and you got to go camping! I sincerely mean it when I say, I don't know anyone who could overcome all of this with such optimism and strength as you have and get so much accomplished and search for work opportunities in the meantime! To say that I'm proud of you is such an understatement! I love you soooooo much! Congratulations on the internship! Another great success! =) I really do have the best big brother ever! =)
Love always,
September 5, 2009
Congratulations again John! This is great news but you know what?, nothing is as great as your health news….Praise God for his many mercies and blessings…..we are all so proud of you….may I echo Cassandra's refrain and say your attitude, optimism, and character are to be admired and emulated….God is so good….He is in control…..AMEN!
We love you John and look forward to your movies and of course insights and great wisdom yet to be shared! (And, another story gathering too….let us know when!)
His Grace!
Love and Prayers!
Prof. B.
P.S. John, when you have a chance, take a ride to Westport Point…..a great little New England village that I have lobed since my youth….it always inspires folks to create….you guys will love it!
September 5, 2009
P.S. Opps, I should have said: "….a great little New England village that I have loved since my youth….." lol….I know, I should have proofread my work! LOL! God Bless!
September 5, 2009
I'm happy your keeping the blog, John! I started a new blog that is chronicling grad school. Maybe slightly narcissistic, but it's kind of therapeutic. When I write about it, it isn't as bad as I make it out to be in my mind. Pop in and see what I'm up to – samanthacrescitelli.blogspot.com 🙂