Today was my very final chemo treatment! Woohoo! So much relief. I really am ready to move on with my life. I'm the type of person that wants to hit the ground running, but I do still need to take it slow. The doctor said it could take as long as my treatment was (9 weeks) to get back to feeling 100%. Still, every day should be a better one and that fills me with optimism.
The next step is a CT scan that I have scheduled for next Friday, August 14th. We're hoping and praying that the inflammation they saw in my lymph nodes has gone away or at least stayed the same. If they look more inflamed than surgery may be next, and not a very pretty one.
I remain optimistic, as do the doctors, that this aggressive chemo treatment I just finished, killed all of the cancer cells. Any positive energy you wanna send my way is much appreciated though! I will certainly keep you posted.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
August 6, 2009
Yayyy for the last day of chemooo! haha! I love the picture and your optimism as I am filled with it, warm wishes, love and prayers as well! I know it will all be ok! =) I'm soo happy you will start to feel better though. Every night I pray that the cancer goes away as I'm sure it will! I love you so much!
Love always,
August 7, 2009
Congratulations John! I know things will start looking brighter and brighter…..YEAH!!!! I pray like Cassandra does John and those prayers will be efficacious….I am certain.
Now, we must prepare the end of the summer story-telling and cook-out or cook-in (lol) and I am expecting to laugh and laugh….lol….just thought of another name!
God bless you John and my best to your family and Bethany and all your friends!
Prof. B.
P.S. Great photo!
August 7, 2009
John Congrads! thats awesome news. Things will only get better from here! I'l keep my fingers crossd for you.
August 9, 2009
Getting this far shows what a survivor you are, Hopefully every day will be better now. We wish you didn't have to go through this!!
Bija and Jay