The Highs and the Lows
Wow. What a week this was. Just thinking about it makes me feel sick. However, I am happy to report that I have emerged!
I have emerged from my final 5-day treatment of chemotherapy and now I have only one more short treatment left on Thursday. Woohooo!! Today is the first day that I can say I’m feeling “pretty good.” I suppose the chemo wanted to go out with a bang. As I’ve already mentioned, it seriously makes me sick to even think (or write) about how bad it was. The effects on the mind are just so intense. I know time will heal, as it already has, but when I was in the midst of it all that kind of mindset was difficult to establish.
I reached a new “low”, feeling lost in it all and not knowing when, if ever, it would go away. Logically I knew it would end, but that logic goes out the window in the thick of it. Since then I’ve had high moments when I feel like I’m done with this suffering, but these “highs” are still temporary at the moment. The lower I fall, the higher I can rise. I truly do feel that way and I know that I am now on the rise. It feels good. Feels damn good, actually.
And just in time to accompany this rise is a conference that I’ve been very excited (and anxious) about attending. The conference is held by UNESCO (United Nations Eductational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and is an International Leadership Training Program. More info here. I feel so honored to be attending this conference with young leaders from around the world. It is an experience that I know I will gain so much from. I’ve been worried about not being able to attend due to my health, but I’ve decided that I will go tomorrow until Wednesday, and be back in time for my last treatment on Thursday. I’m certain I will have much to share when I get back. And share I shall!
August 2, 2009
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity, the optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty." Winston Churchill….. you are truly the a living example of this quote. You continue to amaze me.
Prayers always,
Prof. Sinnott
August 2, 2009
You're taking it all in stride, god bless, you've got a handle on this. Rock on, brother.
August 3, 2009
I'm glad that you have been feeling better today, so sorry about yesterday though. That must've been truly awful. But you are kicking cancer's ass as we can tell with your blood levels being normal and all, woohoo! =) Good to see it all ending this thursday!
Love always,
August 3, 2009
Glad to hear you've been feeling well. Have fun and good luck at the conference, it sounds exciting!