Here Comes the Sun

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Can you believe these gorgeous couple of days? Finally summer is here! I've really been enjoying the outdoors and its healing qualities. Went for a nice walk yesterday and today, which really helped me burn away some bad energy. They give me this steroid with chemo that helps the anti-nausea meds work and I'm thankful for it, but it really gets me hyped up in an odd way. I find it hard to sit still and concentrate or even sleep. Walking turned out to be a great remedy though. A good walk just does the body wonders – it is amazing.
And sitting outside with a good book after was awesome. I'm thankful for some time to catch up on all these books I've been dying to read. I'll have start supplying some reviews soon.

So all in all, feeling pretty good. Have some nausea still, but it should keep getting better now that I have this break from treatment until Thursday. And i'll enjoy every minute of it.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry



Author: John Abdulla

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  1. YAY! So glad you're enjoying the sun a bit, and feeling better.

    And John, could those be the Delights of Decadron you describe so accurately?


  2. A few blogs ago you talked about suffering.. and I feel sad for you that you are going through such tough times John. You deserve to feel healthy and well and will be there soon!!

    Since I am down here at the MLK jr nonviolence and peace institute I must share this one (of many) pieces of Kingian wisdom. One of his six principles of the nonviolence philosophy is "accept suffering without retaliation for the sake of the cause to achieve a goal." Your suffering is obvious, your goal is to get better. King and those in the civil rights movement didn't see their goal met until they suffered arrests, brutal attacks, beatings, injustice, fire hoses and police dogs.. you can do this. King would be standing beside you saying that your suffering and pain is a sacrifice you must make for your cause which will help you mentally and spiritually move through this movement in your life. In other words, every tough moment of pain is a moment to spiritually grow stronger so that the suffering will not overcome you and defeat you before you meet your goal.

    You can do this John, I am so happy the sun is shining for you!! Love you!!

  3. Laura and John,
    I am moved beyond words by the wisdom and love that you are sharing with us. You both are torch bearers of the Spirit in this cloudy age.
    With deep respect,

  4. Dear John,

    I've been reading all of your entries and feel so blest by it all….you have great wisdom John and your friends here and their insights are amazing too…..I am happy Cassandra sees the merit of Uncle Buck too…..I knew she had impeccable taste….I am still waiting for others to see it, but I am impressed with her wisdom as well! LOL! And we shall have a future stories forum at summer's end….I am preparing now some oldies but goodies. I can't wait to see you all. Hey that reminds me, did I ever tell you the story of how I got on the wrong plane because of the Airlines telling me they had a special deal to Oklahoma by way of Brazil? It is the oddest thing that ever happened to me on a plane…well, except two flight attendants named: Nancy Trip and Destiny Star. (Not made up names….their real ones!) And, their need of a tour of Newport, Rhode Island. (They actually knew more about Newport than I did….but they did not tell me who they really were!)

    John, your entry on the meaning of suffering is profound….I often think about Jesus and his suffering too….your great wisdom is blessing us all….when I think of you and your family and Bethany and her family and Patty and Larry and so many others, I think of 1 Corinthians Ch. 13. Actually, your response to all of this reminds me of that verse….love is patient and kind, etc. I went to the LaSalette Shrine on Friday and lit a candle for you….I also went to Mass for you and said the Rosary and asked some friends to pray for you too. I also know my Mom loved the Psalms and so do so many others….I know several wonderful professors from Curry who recommended I read them again and receive consolation from their great wisdom and faith and courage. I have a version of several colleagues reading the Psalms and feel like their witness blest me over and over. I love Psalm 42: 11

    Also, Pope John Paul II wrote a wonderful document called Salvifici Doloris (On the meaning of human suffering) Here is a link:


    Also, there is a neat site on laughter you might love too. The Laughter Therapy Fun Page makes everyone laugh. Actually, it is especially great for Uncle Buck fans! Here is the link:


    John, I loved the blanket Bethany's Aunt and Uncle made. AMAZING!!! There is something so comforting about good people doing nice things for us….we are so lucky to know so many people like that.

    As always you are in my daily prayers.

    God bless you always John and you are getting stronger and stronger….this I am certain of.

    His Grace!

    Prof. B.

  5. Hey, John…..opps, I meant to write: I have a "vision" of several colleagues reading the Psalms…o my gosh, this is what happens when you do too much pondering….remember that word?! LOL! Again, the Uncle Buck group love that word!

    Enjoy the sun John!

    Prof. B.

  6. I'm so happy that you were able to get outdoors and go for a walk, that is very good for the soul. It's great that you seem to be feeling better and get a little break. Yay for only having another full week of chemo! This will be over before you know it! Again, you are doing amazing! Sorry about al the nausea though and the fact that you aren't concentrating that much. I know it'll soon pass though. Love you bunches!
    Love always,

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