Coming Soon…
I’ve been off the anti-nausea meds for two days! Wooh! It’s really nice not having to deal with that. Feeling more “with it”. I even got some video editing done today, which was pretty cool. Got tired after a little while and had to rest, but it was nice to work on it. I’ve been working on this short film for over a year, and I’m putting the finishing touches on it now. It is the longest project I’ve ever worked on and it’s just an incredible experience to see it through from beginning to end. I wrote it at least two years ago now and this summer I plan to have a finished product. Something like 25 minutes long.
What’s it about, you ask? Cindy, while working in the college library, discovers a homeless man, Bud, in the basement. They’re both alone and wounded, and over a couple days they bond in that odd way that sometimes can happen with total strangers.
Don’t worry, it’s not as cheesy as it sounds. I’m really very proud of it and can’t wait to share it! In the mean time feel free to check out my last (totally different) short film:
June 24, 2009
Glad you're feeling better. If you get a chance check out Terminator Salvation. Not the 'deepest' movie in the world but some cool and interesting tech stuff and some great chases. As for you film, very interesting! Can't wait to see Bud and Cindy.
June 24, 2009
I'm soooooo happy for you! You are sooo amazing you know that?!?! Who the hell else could accomplish soo much during chemo treatments but my brother?! You are an all around honorable person who I can only aspire to be and learn and have learned sooo much from! I love this video and all my friends that have seen it do as well! You are obviously an extraordinary director!